View Document Details & Activity Log

dox2U lets you have a detailed look at all the activities that have been taking place with regard to your document.

📓Things to Note:

  • You can view the Document Details for all documents in your Workspace, even if they are not shared with you. 
  • To access the Activity Log for a doc, the document must be in your Ownership or shared with you  
  • You can only view the Details & Activity Panel one file at a time. 

Let’s see how.

Step 1: Select the document for which you want to view the Details & Activities Panel.

Step 2: Click the menu button and select “View Details”.


💡Alternatively, you can view details of your selected document by using the “View Details” button from the action bar.

Step 3:  In the panel that slides out, press “Details” to know about the details pertaining to your document, or press “Activity” to have a look at the Activity Log for the doc. 


Let us have a look at the criteria and functionality in detail - 

Criteria Functionality 
SizeDisplays the size of the file in KBs and MBs
dPagesDisplays the dPages that the document translates into
Format Displays the format of the selected file
Pages in doc Displays the number of pages in the document 
Text Extraction (visible only if you are subscribed to dox2U Pro) 

Displays the status of Text Extraction


OwnerDisplays the name of the document Owner 
Uploaded By Displays the name of user who uploaded this document
Created Date The date on which the document was originally created 
Modified Date The date on which the document was last modified 
Uploaded OnThe date on which the doc was uploaded to your workspace
Added Date The date on which the document was verified & added to the system.