Add/Invite New Users to Your Workspace

Adding or Inviting a User will let you add a new User to your workspace. You can invite new users using their individual email IDs or alternately (if your plan supports it) by whitelisting a domain.

📓Please Note -

  • Although you can easily invite new users to your Workspace in all the plans provided by dox2U, the domain invitation is available only in dox2U Growth and Pro plans. 
  • Only the Owner of the Workspace, the Admin or a user with “User and Group” right enabled can invite users to a Workspace. 

Step 1: Go to the “Admin” section in the side menu of your Dashboard and visit the “Users” tab. 

Step 2: Click on the ‘Invite [Icon] on the Action Bar. A new window will pop-up for inviting Users.


Step 4: You can add new users to your Workspace by specifying their e-mail addresses individually in the “Add Email” box. You can add multiple emails at the same time. 


Alternately, you can also define a domain that you can whitelist to be opened for access to your workspace. In this case, users having email IDs that contain this domain can join your workspace without having to be sent an individual invite on their email. To do this, click “Add Domain” in the pop-up window.

Step 5: Assign a role to the new member.

Step 6. Press “Invite” to continue with the invitation process or press “Cancel” to abort.