Advanced Search Parameters

Using dox2U’s Advanced Search Parameter lets you define multi-level granular criteria for retrieving your documents. Let us now understand each of the Advanced Search Parameters that dox2U has to offer.

Advanced Search ParametersHow does it help?
Doc Type

Search for your documents by specifying their format 

Example - PDF, doc, JPG, etc.

Owned ByView the documents owned by a particular user in your Workspace 
Shared WithView the documents that have been shared with a particular user or group in your Workspace
Added Date Retrieve documents as per the date of verification
Doc Name Search for the entered query only in the name of document 
Doc Contains Search for the entered query in the content of the document. For more information, check Text Extraction 
Tags Search for the entered/selected query in the tags that have been added to your document.
Includes the words Search for the entered query in the Document Name, Content, Tags, or Notes. This filter is the same as entering your query directly in the search bar.

📓Things to note 

  • The search results will display all the documents in the workspace. However, you must either be the Owner or have Shared Access to a document in order to be able to access it from the search results. Check out Understanding Roles and Rights in dox2U