dox2U lets you search and obtain your documents easily with the help of the search & filter features within each document listing page.
Let’s see how.
Step 1: Click on the “Search” button [magnifying glass icon] from the action bar.
Step 2: Search for any document by typing its name
Step 3: Use the filter option [filter icon] to filter your search results, like Added Date, Size, Document Type, etc. to make retrieval easier.
🌟Tip: The user can reset the applied filters using the “Reset” button
Let us have a look at various filters available on document listing pages.
S.No | Unique Filter | Page |
1. |
| Workspace Queue |
2. |
| Owned by Me |
3. |
| Shared With Me |
Workspace Queue :
Ownerd by me:
Shared by me:
Smart cabinet: