Guide: Getting Started with dox2U for New Users

It is easy to get started on dox2U. In this article, we will briefly understand the fundamental steps that you need to follow to get started with dox2U and use our product to the best of its capabilities. 

The main actions that you need to understand to get started with dox2U are:

  • Sign up for a Workspace
  • Upload documents
  • Verify documents
  • View documents
  • Edit documents

Sign up for a Workspace 

Team members can either be invited individually or, in the case of a paid subscription,  through a domain that has been added for onboarding. Domain onboarding lets anyone with an email address matching your team’s domain ( to sign up to your workspace. 

Step 1: In the case where the Owner has sent you an invitation, open the invitation email that you receive. 

💡In case you are signing up using domain onboarding, you will not receive an invitation email. You can directly visit the address of your dox2U Workspace ( to begin the sign-up process. 

Step 2: Enter your full name and email address and click on the “Next Button”. A verification code will be sent to your e-mail address. 

Step 3: Enter the Verification Code in the window that appears


Step 4: Upon successful verification, enter a strong password. 

Step 5: Click on “Next” to finish the sign-up process and join your desired dox2U workspace. 

You have now become an integral part of that workspace.

Upload documents 

dox2U lets you easily upload the documents you need to get started with your digital journey. All uploaded documents are sent to their respective Verifiers’ My Queue page and are moved to their respective Owners’ Owned by Me page after the document has been verified. dox2U lets you upload files from anywhere within your workspace. 

To upload documents, follow these steps:

Step 1: Click the Upload button in the navigation menu on the left side of the screen. [Button Icon]

💡Alternatively, you can also access the Upload window from the Upload section of the dashboard. [Screenshot]

Step 2: On the Upload window that opens up, select an Owner and Verifier for the document(s) you want to upload. 

Step 3: Select a language to indicate the language your document(s) are written in. This helps with a more accurate Text Extraction from scanned images.

Step 4: Either click the Choose Files button [icon] to select the documents that you wish to upload to your dox2U workspace.

💡Alternatively, you can drag files from your desktop and drop them into the Upload window to upload your documents 


Step 5: Press the Upload button [ICON] to begin uploading your documents to dox2U or press the cross on the top right of the dialogue box to cancel your Upload.

 📓Things to Note

  • After your documents are uploaded, they must be verified before they can be added to your dox2U workspace. Understand how to verify a document.
  • You can only upload documents if you have the “Upload Documents” right enabled. Understand rights in dox2U.
  • You can choose and upload multiple files at the same time

What formats can be uploaded onto dox2U?

  • Documents: PDF, Word Files (.doc, .docx), Open Office (.odt), RTF, TXT

Verify documents 

‘My Queue’ consists of a list of documents that have been uploaded by a user but are yet to be verified. Let us see where is this page present within your dox2U Workspace, and how can you verify the uploaded documents that you have uploaded. 

Step 1: Go to the dashboard of your Workspace and click on the ‘Docs in Upload’ page present on the left navigation menu.

Step 2: A mini dropdown menu with ‘My Queue’ and ‘Workspace Queue’ appears. Go to ‘My Queue’.

Step 3: A list of all your uploaded document appear. Select the document that you would like to verify.

💡 If you want to assign the verification process to another user, click on [3 dots menu] given adjacent to the document and select “Change Verifier” 

Step 4: The verification window opens up. You can perform an assortment of actions in this section. They are- 

  1. Change the name of the document 
  2. Add Unique meta tags for easy retrieval 
  3. Set templates for the selected document 
  4. Add Notes for your reference 
  5. See the details of the document 
  6. Change the Owner of the document
  7. Share with groups or individual users 
  8. And of course, verify! 

View Documents 

dox2U lets you open and view your original and verified documents easily from multiple points across the product. Let’s see how

Step 1: Right-click on the document you want to view. 

Step 2: Click the menu button [3 dots] and select “View”. 

Step 3:  Your selected document opens us in View mode in a new tab. 

📓Things to Note:

  • Clicking on the document name will also open the doc in a View mode in a new tab. 
  • You can only view docs where you are either the Owner or have Shared Access 

🙋What all can you do?

The following actions can be performed on documents:

Edit a Document 

dox2U lets you open and edit your original and verified documents easily from multiple points across the product. 

Let’s see how to open a document for editing using the menu button.

Step 1: Right-click on the document you want to edit

Step 2: Click the menu button [3 dots] and select “Edit” [pen icon]

Step 3:  Your selected document opens up in the Edit mode in a new tab. 

💡Alternatively, you can open a document in the Edit mode by clicking the “Edit” button in the top right corner of the Doc Viewer. 

📓Things to Note:

  • When you tap to open the edit mode for a doc, it will automatically open up in a new tab. 
  • You can only view docs where you are either the Owner or have Shared Access 

🙋What all can you do?