Searching Documents in your Workspace

dox2U lets you search for documents that have been verified and added to your workspace using the search bar located at the top of your screen.

 In addition to searching documents in the usual manner, like using the document name, you can also use our Advanced Search parameters for a multi-level granular retrieval of documents. Learn more about our Advanced Search parameters here 

📓Things to be noted 

  • You cannot search for documents that have not been verified yet or have been placed  in the Trash by the document’s Owner. 
  • The search results will display all the documents in the workspace. However, you must either be the Owner or have Shared Access to a document in order to be able to access it from the search results. Check out Understanding Roles and Rights in dox2U 

To search for a document on dox2U, follow the steps outlined below: 

Step 1: Click on the Search Bar, which is located at the top of your screen and is available throughout different pages of your Workspace. 

Step 2: Enter the search query with relevant information that you wish to look for. 

If you wish to use Advanced Search parameters, continue to Step 3. 

Otherwise, skip to Step 6, 

Step 3: To access the Advanced Search parameters, click on the [icon] present on the Search Bar.

Step 4: A dropbox with advanced search filters appears.

Step 5: Select any of these advanced search filters as you require to retrieve your document 

Step 6: Hit [ENTER] or click the Search button/icon

Step 7: Your search results appear in front of you in a tabular format. 
To know more about the functionality of each of these advanced search filters, visit

You can also choose a particular sorting order for your search results. The sorting order by default is the Relevance Prioritized by Name. Look at the table below for more details: 

Sorting ParametersHow does it Help
1. Relevance Prioritized by Name Your search results will be sorted intelligently based on their relevance, with a priority given to the document’s name. 
2. Relevance Prioritized by Content Your search results will be sorted intelligently based on their relevance, with a priority given to the document’s content. 
3. Sort by Added Date Your search results will be sorted as per the date of verification. 

4. Sort Alphabetically 

  • A to Z
  • Z to A 
You can choose to sort your results either in ascending alphabetical order or descending alphabetical order. 

We have carefully crafted our sorting orders to provide you with the greatest benefit, making it even easier for you to retrieve your documents and find what you need.